Friday, January 15, 2010

The Breakwater House by Pascale Quiviger

The Breakwater House by Pascale Quiviger is a story about female relationships with a strong emphasis on the maternal. It’s about Claire and Lucie, childhood best friends, and their relationships to each other as well as to other women in both their lives. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and sometimes psychotic, this book explores the psyches and lives of women who are intertwined by love, blood, and heartbreak.

The Breakwater House is a series of smaller stories all linked together, and it jumps through time and space. This book was originally published in French, and as always I think I should read the French version and compare. Without reading the original language there is no way to be sure, but I feel like something has been lost in translation; that there is something I’m missing from this story. Also, it always freaks me out when the characters are clearly meant to speak a certain language (based on their location, their written surroundings, their names, etc.) but speak English in the story like its some freaky alternate reality. But that’s beside the point.

I think an issue I have with this story is the amount of experiences that I can’t relate to. I think this book would probably resonate more with readers who feel that their lives are reflected in it. I also found the emotions in this book to be pretty extreme all the time; meaning the emotions and actions of the characters when faced with life challenges were a little unrealistic. Life has its ups and downs, but this book is an emotionally charged roller coaster that doesn’t coincide with real life. I hate to say the story was overly dramatic, but it was. The girls live in a romanticized world that doesn’t jive well with the realities of life they are dealing with. This makes the story seem exaggerated. This story is about women, but in my opinion isn’t an accurate depiction of (most) real female relationships.

I don’t love this book, but it isn’t terrible either. I am certainly not disappointed I read it. One of the things I like most about it is how touching the relationship between Claire and Lucie is. Most little girls have that one best friend when they are kids with whom they feel a strong bond. Some remain friends for life, but sadly most en up drifting apart. It’s a sad truth that comes with growing up. But this book steers away from reality. The bond between Claire and Lucie transforms as the girls grow up and the two girls become so obsessed with their friendship that they aren’t even able to have romantic relationships with men (and unless I missed the cue, both girls are heterosexual). I have a hard time believing this.

The ending of this book doesn’t feel complete. This book is supposed to be a tragedy of sorts, with redemption and growth at the end. You are supposed to feel the transformation and healing of a character, but because it doesn’t feel realistic from the start it’s difficult to appreciate the growth and change in the characters.

I probably wouldn’t recommend this book to friends, unless I feel that somehow they could relate to it. The imagery was beautiful, and I’m sure there are people out there that find this story deeply touching, but it’s just not for me.

Book Information
Title: The Breakwater House
Author: Pascale Quiviger
Year of publication: 2010
Publisher: Anasi
Pages: 198
Rating: 3.5/5
** Please note this book is an ARC, and may vary greatly on final publication. **

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